Police Arrest Criminals In Malang, The Mode Accuses Victims Of Abusing Family Members

MALANG - Malang City Resort Police (Polresta) has arrested a gang of youths who often commit criminal acts in the tourist area of Alun-Alun to Kayutangan Heritage, Malang City, East Java.

Acting Deputy Chief of Malang City Police, Kompol Yuliati, said the police arrested three youths who often commit criminal acts in the Malang City Square to Kayutangan Heritage area.

"For the crime scene (TKP) of this case, it starts from the Malang City Square to the Kayutangan Heritage," Yuliati said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 15.

The Head of Klojen Polsek Kompol Domingos Ximenes said the three perpetrators arrested were 20-year-old S, 21-year-old L and A 17-year-old children.

The disclosure of the case began with uploads on a number of social media that had gone viral regarding a group of teenagers who accused the victim of molesting.

Then, he continued, one of the perpetrators then invited the victim to his house to see the condition of his sister who was being persecuted as alleged by the suspect. The perpetrator asked the victim to leave his cellphone with his partner.

"The victim was then taken away by perpetrator S, but did not meet his sister, who was mentioned as being abused. The aim of the perpetrator was to separate the victim from the witness (the victim's colleague). The victim was dropped off at another location," he said.

Perpetrator S returned to the Malang City Square area and met another perpetrator who was with the witness. The perpetrator then said that the victim asked his partner to give the victim's cellphone to the perpetrator.

"The perpetrators then pretended to check the victim's cellphone and then left the witness with the victim's cellphone," he said.

The perpetrators admitted to having committed the crime eleven times in the past month. Of the eleven operations, six of them managed to bring the victim's valuables.

After getting the victim's cellphone, the perpetrator then sold it at a price range of Rp. 200,000 to Rp. 500,000. The majority of the victims were students who came from areas outside the city of Malang.

"For the two suspects, they are already in the adult category according to the law. Meanwhile, those who are still in the child category are intermediaries to sell these goods," he said.

The two perpetrators were charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code concerning fraud and face a maximum prison sentence of four years. Meanwhile, the suspected minors were handed over to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Malang City Police.