After Blocking 600 Bugs, Google Chrome OS Flex Now Available For PC And Mac
JAKARTA - Google announced today that Chrome OS Flex, a cloud-first, easy-to-manage, and fast operating system for PC and Mac, is now out.
Since it first announced its Chrome OS Flex trial earlier this year, Google says that it has now fixed 600 bugs to roll out Flex to businesses and schools today.
Chrome OS Flex has a proactive security system, which will provide protection from evolving threats, including ransomware, malware, and employee errors.
In addition, Google also claims that Chrome OS Flex can be deployed quickly via USB or over your corporate network. With Chrome Enterprise Upgrade, you can manage apps and policies from anywhere.
Furthermore, the tech giant also says that Chrome OS Flex consumes 19% less energy on average than other devices.
This security provided by Chrome OS Flex proved successful when a ransomware attack halted Nordic Choice Hotels' operations. Quickly, the hotel quickly replaced the OS on the compromised device and got it back online. Chrome OS Flex enabled Nordic Choice Hotels to turn a disaster into an upgrade.
"The adoption of Chrome OS Flex really saved us. When you have a stable, secure and hassle-free operating system in a hotel, it really affects our employees, and of course our guests too," said Bjørn Arild Wisth, Deputy CEO , Nordic Choice Hotels.
Google says, since the early access program until now, they have certified 256 compatible devices for Chrome OS Flex, including laptops from Asus, Acer, Toshiba, HP, Intel, Lenovo, LG, Apple, and many more.
"We're working on more certifications every day, and even if your device isn't certified yet, you can still try Chrome OS Flex," Google said.