Chicken Farm Owners In Cijantung Surprised To See Large Pythons Wrapped Around Their Pets, Officers Evacuated

JAKARTA - A local resident found a python wrapped around a chicken he was about to devour, Thursday, July 14, night.

The finding originated from the suspicion of a house owner when he wanted to sleep when he heard a noise from behind the house, located on Jalan Lebak Empang 1 RT 02/05, Number 44, Cijantung Village, Pasar Rebo District, East Jakarta.

"After being examined and flashed the source of the sound, it turned out that there was a large snake wrapped around a chicken in its coop," said Head of Ops of the East Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman in his statement, Friday, July 15.

The findings were then reported to the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Gatot said the report on the snake evacuation request was received at 20:53 WIB.

"The snake was known to enter the chicken coop and then wrapped around a chicken in that place," he said.

Gatot said that because the owner of the house was afraid to deal with the snake, he immediately reported it to the Pasar Rebo fire department to evacuate the reptile.

"Finally, we deployed 1 unit of rescue car accompanied by 5 personnel to evacuate the snakes," explained Gatot.

There were no fatalities in the incident, the officers managed to evacuate the pythons from the chicken coop.

"The evacuation starts at 21.03 and finishes at 21.16 WIB. It's a python that is about 2 meters long and about 8 centimeters in diameter," he said.