Sudinsos Affirms The PJLP Selection Letter With The Condition Of Being Able To Recite Hoaxes

JAKARTA - Circulating letter of selection announcement for the acceptance of other individual service providers (PJLP) from the South Jakarta Social Service with special conditions.

Special requirements outside of the general requirements in the letter are being able to read the Koran and being able to perform the five daily prayers.

The announcement letter bears the logo of the DKI Pemprov. The letter maker was written as Sonia, namely the South Jakarta Sudinsos Sub-dept. Of goods / services procurement official. However, the letter has not been signed and has not been given a number.

When asked for confirmation, the Head of Section (Kasi) of Social Rehabilitation and Social Empowerment of South Jakarta Sub-department of Social Affairs, Anshori denied this. He called the letter untrue.

"The letter is not true. The letter does not contain a number," Anshori said when confirmed, Friday, November 6.

However, Anshori admitted that a person named Sonia whose name was listed in the letter was indeed an employee of the DKI Provincial Government. However, Anshori said that Sonia was on leave.

"He (Sonia) is on leave," he said.

According to him, the letter explained that the South Jakarta Social Service Office would accept PJLP candidates for the Social Supervision and Control Service Task Force (P3S) and the Social Disaster Preparedness Officer (PSKB).

The application letter requested is addressed to the South Jakarta Sub-dept. Of Social Services Procurement Officer with the address of the South Jakarta Mayor's Office, Jalan Prapanca Raya Number 9 Blok C 5th floor, Petogogan Village, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

The requirements stated in the letter are as follows:

1. Male / female

2. Ages 18 to 35 years for new applicants

3. Ages 18 to 55 years for old applicants

4. Photocopy of KTP, preferably KTP for DKI Jakarta Administrative City

5. Minimum education is high school / equivalent

6. Photocopy of birth certificate

7. Photocopy of the last diploma

8. Photocopy of marriage certificate (for those who are married)

9. Photocopy of NPWP

10. Photocopy of Bank DKI account

11. Photocopy of SKCK

12. Photocopy of certificate of expertise (specifically for PSKB)

13. Photocopy of drug free certificate

14. 3x4 color photographs

15. Curriculum vitae

16. Certificate of rapid test

17. Certificate of seeking work

18. Can read al-qur'an

19. Performing prayers 5 times a day