Searching The South Jakarta BPN Office, Police Find Land Certificate 'Hoarding' Mode

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya searched the land office of the Land Agency (BPN) for the South Jakarta area following the arrests of four government agencies in the land mafia case. From the search, it was found that many deeds or certificates were not given to their owners.

"Today, when we searched it, it turned out that we found certificates that should have been submitted three years ago but have not been submitted," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Thursday, July 14.

The non-return of the land certificates to the owners is suspected to be one of the modus operandi. They seem to deliberately withhold important documents so that they can be manipulated.

"One of the methods should have been that certificates could have been made, but this didn't happen and it turned out that the data was changed, the identity changed, the juridical data belonged to someone else," said Hengki.

With this finding, Hengki emphasized that the police would thoroughly investigate this land mafia case down to its roots. The National Police and ATR/BPN will continue to coordinate to eradicate land crimes that are detrimental to the community.

"So once again, together with the ministry of ATR/BPN, we will eradicate all land mafias, whoever is behind them, we don't care," said Hengki.

Previously, the police arrested four individuals from the National Land Agency (BPB) related to the land mafia. The results of the temporary inspection, they served in the Jakarta and Bekasi areas.

"We have arrested four BPN ASN officials in the Jakarta and Bekasi areas and have become suspects," said Hengki.

Two of the four suspects had the initials PS and MB. Khsusu PS he is the Head of PTSL BPN Adjudication for South Jakarta City Administration. Meanwhile, MB served as Chairman of PTSL BPN North Jakarta Administrative City.

In this case, the suspects are suspected of under Article 167 of the Criminal Code and or Article 263 of the Criminal Code and or Article 266 of the Criminal Code Juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code.