Prabowo, The Best Minister To The Potential Of The 2024 Presidential Candidates, Gerindra: He Is Still The Minister's Focus

JAKARTA - The Indo Barometer survey institute released the results of a poll which stated that respondents considered Prabowo Subianto to be the best performing minister today.

The results of this survey are considered to be an asset for the Gerindra Party chairman to come back forward as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Responding to this, Gerindra Party spokesman Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak said the results of this survey did not encourage Prabowo to return to political contestation in 2024 because he was focused on working as Minister of Defense.

"Regarding the public's assessment of good or bad, he returned to the public, whoever is free to assess his performance, and Pak Prabowo only focuses on carrying out his duties," Dahnil told VOI, Friday, November 6.

In fact, said Dahnil, so far there have been many Gerindra cadres who have encouraged Prabowo to return to prepare to become a presidential candidate in the next four years. Unfortunately, Prabowo is still reluctant.

"When Gerindra Party cadres asked him to step forward, Pak Prabowo always answered that he only wanted to focus on fulfilling his current duties, ensuring that Indonesia's defense was better than before," said Dahnil.

Previously reported, Indo Barometer Executive Director Mohammad Qodari stated that Prabowo was considered the best minister in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

The minister who was considered by the public to have a good performance at most revealed the name Prabowo Subianto, followed by Nadiem Makarim, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Erick Thohir, and Mahfud MD, "said Qodari.

Of the 1200 respondents, 29.3 percent said Prabowo had the best performance, 16.3 percent chose Nadiem as the best minister, 15.2 percent chose Sri Mulyani, 12 percent chose Erick Thohir.

Then, as many as 8.8 percent chose Mahfud MD, 2.5 percent chose Basuki Hadimuljono, 2.2 percent chose Tito Karnavian, 2.2 percent chose Terawan, 1.5 percent chose Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

"Furthermore, 1.5 percent of respondents chose Fachrul Razi, 1.3 percent chose Syahrul Yasin Limpo, 1 percent chose Juliari Batubara. Meanwhile, 15 other ministers got a score below 1 percent," explained Qodari.

Of the respondents who chose Prabowo as the best performing minister, the biggest reason was having a good leadership spirit with a proportion of 22.5 percent.

This survey was conducted in the period 10 to 17 October 2020 in 34 provinces. The data collection technique is in the form of face-to-face interviews with respondents using a questionnaire.

The survey method used was multistage random sampling to 1200 respondents. The margin of error is 2.83 percent with a confidence level of 95 percent.