Because The Navy Is Not Just About Warships, But Also Has Planes

JAKARTA - The Commander of the Jakarta Naval Air Base (Lanudal) Marine Lt. Col. (P) Sugiran socialized the Indonesian Navy's (AL) flights to religious leaders and residents in South Tangerang City, Banten.

Marine Lieutenant Colonel Sugiran visited one of the religious leaders KH Hasan Musthofi and the community around Jalan Kayu Putih RT 004/001 Pondok Cabe Udik Village, Pamulang District, South Tangerang City​​​ (Tangsel).

"This activity is carried out to strengthen the relationship between the Jakarta Airbase and local religious leaders," said Sugiran in a written statement in Jakarta, Thursday, July 14, as reported by Antara.

In addition to strengthening ties of friendship, the visit also aims to show good synergy between the TNI and religious leaders.

On that occasion, Sugiran explained that the Indonesian Navy does not only have warships, but also has airplanes as an extension of the warships of the Republic of Indonesia or KRI.

Jakarta Air Base is one of the Navy Airbases based in Pondok Cabe as one of the work units under the ranks of the Navy Aviation Center (Puspenerbal) which has the main functions and duties of providing administrative, logistical support as well as facilities and infrastructure for Indonesian Air Force aircraft. Sea that operates in the Jakarta area and its surroundings.

KH Hasan Musthofi, who is also the Chairperson of the South Tangerang City Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), advised the Jakarta Airbase to always establish communication and synergy to support the security of the community around Pondok Cabe.

"Perform tasks according to the main duties and SOPs of each agency and must be consistent in carrying out their duties," said KH Hasan.

The religious figure also reminded all components of the Jakarta Airbase to adhere to the adage "where the earth is stepped on, the sky is upheld". This means adapting to the customs of the local community.

KH Hasan added that the Jakarta Air Base must be able to be in all components of society to jointly build the integrity and security of the state.

When meeting with KH Hasan, Danlanudal Jakarta was accompanied by Pasops Marine Captain (P) M Alfat, Pgs. Pasminlog Marine First Lieutenant (F) Asep Tariadi, member of PAM Peltu Tri Joko Hery and member of Pomal Sergeant POM Aris Strong.