Earthquakes Happened Several Times In North Maluku

JAKARTA - Until this morning, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) recorded several aftershocks after the mainshock with a magnitude of 7.4 which was updated to 7.1 which is located at the coordinate point 1.63 LU 126.39 East Longitude or 134 kilometers northwest of Jailolo, at a depth of 73 kilometers in North Maluku, early Friday 15 November.

Each aftershock was recorded with a magnitude of 5.0 at 0.55 West Indonesia Time, with a location point at 1.54 North Latitude, 126.46 East Longitude or 128 km northwest of Jailolo, at a depth of 10 kilometers. BMKG stated that this aftershock had no potential for a tsunami.

Then the next earthquake was recorded with a magnitude of 5.9 at 1.45 West Indonesia Time at the location point of 1.49 North Latitude, 126.40 East Longitude with the epicenter at the seabed or 127 km northwest of Jailolo at a depth of 10 km. The quake was also declared to have no potential for a tsunami and the shock was severe (MMI) III Ternate, II-III Manado, II-III Tahuna and II-III Bitung.

Previously, BMKG stated the status of a tsunami early warning after the main earthquake M 7.1 which ended at 01.45 WIB. BMKG also updated reports of tsunami waves with a height of 0.6 meters respectively in Ternate (23.43 WIB), 0.9 meters in Jailolo (23.43) and 0.10 meters in Bitung (00.08 WIB).

Meanwhile, there have been no reports of infrastructure damage or casualties. The joint team from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) together with the TNI / Polri are trying to carry out a quick assessment of the post-earthquake.

"It is hoped that residents around locations affected by the earthquake shock will not panic and not be affected by false and irresponsible news. Ensure that official information is always sourced from relevant agencies such as BMKG, BNPB, BPBD, Provincial Offices and other authorities," he said. Head of Data Information and Public Relations Center for BNPB Agus Wibowo.