G20 Sherpa Delegation Invited To Climb On Padar Island Labuan Bajo

JAKARTA - Delegates from the Second Meeting of the G20 Sherpas were invited to lighten the mood by jointly climbing to Bukit Padar, Padar Island, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.

Co Sherpa of the Presidency of the G20 Indonesia, Edi Prio Pambudi, said the climbing of Bukit Padar with the delegates was an activity which meant that the G20 was symmetrical from the bottom up.

"We all exercise, whether we can or not we get to the top. In fact, even though the road is steep, the terrain is tough, we also have to go up together. That's what we do here to give a philosophy that we must be together," he said in Labuan Bajo, NTT, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 13.

He said the delegates expressed satisfaction and they realized that the G20 Sherpa meeting was a joint effort.

"We are paving the way, hopefully in the future it will be as we expected," he said.

Edi explained that during visits to islands including Komodo Island, Long Pink Beach, informal talks also took place in a more fluid or intimate atmosphere.

"I spoke to Russia, I spoke to others as well. We hope that everything will turn out well again. This is not just a trip, but the meaning that we make so that everything returns to focus on substance," he said.

He said his party also appreciated the delegates who attended the Second G20 Meeting since the first day because during the meeting no one left the meeting or walked out.

"Everyone listens to each other. Even yesterday, when we had a very serious talk on the boat, everyone was talking and we were all listening to each other," he said.

Edi added that the G20 Sherpa delegation was invited to tour the tourist areas in Labuan Bajo and its surroundings on Tuesday, July 12 as the right step to promote Labuan Bajo tourism, which is one of the five super priority destinations in the country.

"Our goal is to impress the delegates with the hope that they can come back to Indonesia," he said.

The second G20 Sherpa meeting in Labuan Bajo which took place on 10-13 July 2022 was attended by delegates from 19 G20 member countries, 9 invited countries, and 10 international organizations. One of the G20 member countries that was present virtual was the United States.