817 Honorary Teachers In Bogor City Prepare To Be Appointed As PPKK

BOGOR - Head of the Bogor City Education Office, West Java, Hanafi said as many as 817 honorary elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP) teachers are preparing to be appointed as Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).

"Some have joined the CPNS process in 2021 and 500 formations are still waiting for information from the center, the plan is for an appointment, we are preparing," Hanafi said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 12.

Hanafi explained that of the 317 people who had participated in the CPNS selection and were declared passed, they were just waiting for appointment.

Meanwhile, the remaining 500 people who are projected to fill the new teacher formation in Bogor City are still in the process of communicating with the central government and budget readiness from the city government.

In the city of Bogor, he said, there are a total of about 8,000 honorary teachers and civil servants (PNS). Of these, there are 1,600 honorary teachers and 6,400 PNS teachers who have been eroded by retirement every month.

"So we don't know the fixed number of PNS teachers to this day. But what is clear is that every month at least 10 PNS teachers retire. If honorary teachers are not appointed, who will teach to fill the vacancy," he said.

Hanafi said that in the appointment of PPPK for honorary teachers, the Bogor City Government must allocate the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) for salaries and so on.

Meanwhile, Hanafi said, for the format of salaries, allowances and so on, there have been points set by the central government. To deal with this allocation of funds, according to him, a careful calculation is needed for the city government so that a balance occurs between the needs of employees and the ability of funds.

However, the Head of the Bogor City Education and Training Center hopes that the central government can help thousands of honorary teachers in the area to immediately get a designation as PPPK.

"The salary is also adjusted to the ability of the region, the UMR may be above it with others, what is clear is that the central government already has a tor. It's just our readiness," he explained.