ATR Minister Hadi Tjahjanto Reminds Medan Land Office Not To Do Extortion

JAKARTA - The Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto reminded the Medan Land Office not to practice illegal levies (extortion) to the public.

"Employees who commit extortion will be dealt with firmly," said Hadi Tjahjanto while visiting the Medan City Land Office (Kantah), Tuesday, as quoted by ANTARA in a press release, Tuesday, July 12.

The Minister of ATR reviewed the service counters and warkah rooms, as well as held a dialogue with the applicant community who were present.

The former TNI Commander saw firsthand a number of innovations by the Medan City Defense Office (Kantah) in order to realize excellent service and make it easier for the community.

Kantah Medan City has provided a place with the concept of a coworking space to upload files on the Touch Tanahku application.

With a coworking space, people can take care of land services independently so that a stronger curiosity arises regarding the file process from beginning to end.

In addition, the provision of coworking space is to reduce face-to-face meetings between the community and Kantah employees so as to prevent gratification and transparency of land services.

There are also innovations in participatory mapping services. In this service, it tends to minimize disputes or land conflicts. This service aims to map the entire plot of land along with the identity of the applicant and the basis of his rights so that there is little chance of confiscation.

With a number of innovations, Hadi appreciated the ranks of the Medan City Land Office, including in terms of facilitating management carried out independently by the community.

Hadi also appealed to the Medan City Office to open priority services on Saturdays and Sundays.

"This is to accommodate people who are constrained by time to process certificates on Monday-Friday," he said.