Workers Support Ganjar Pranowo Facing Apindo Central Java Which Sues UMP Increase
JAKARTA - Workers are ready to support the Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo in facing a lawsuit from the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) in Central Java at the State Administrative Court. Apindo Central Java filed a lawsuit related to an increase in the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) in 2021 by 3.27 percent.
"We support the governor and will be a defendant for intervention if there is a lawsuit from Apindo Central Java to the PTUN. We fully support Pak Ganjar's decision," said Totok Susilo as the Regional Coordinator of the Federation of Garment, Textile, Leather and Shoe Industry Trade Union Confederations. All of Indonesia (FSB Garteks KSBSI) Central Java, after meeting with Governor Ganjar Pranowo at the governor's office, Semarang, quoted from Antara, Thursday, November 5.
He emphasized that full support was given because basically the 2021 UMP set by Governor Ganjar was in accordance with the wage formula. According to him, the stipulation of the UMP increase at 3.27 percent was an extraordinary attitude from the Governor of Central Java.
"Even though the wage formula based on PP 78 finds 3.33 percent, the 3.27 percent figure is an extraordinary attitude because West Java, Banten and North Sumatra have not increased. This means that Pak Ganjar has carried out his discretion with the authority as a regional head. show a pro governor with his people, "said Totok.
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that the planned lawsuit against the Governor's Decree Number 561/48 of 2020 concerning the Central Java UMP in 2021, which increased by 3.27 percent, is the right of Apindo Central Java.
He actually encouraged Apindo Central Java to improve communication and transparency to workers and employees regarding the conditions of their respective companies.
"(The lawsuit) belongs to Apindo, yes, but if we see earlier from the workers we haven't finished. It's not finished because after this there is still a UMK, exactly what we need between workers and entrepreneurs can be open and transparent, whether the company is profitable. or loss, "he said when asked about the proposed lawsuit from Apindo Central Java.
Ganjar explained that from his meeting with garment, textile, leather and shoe workers, it was found that the workers were also open-minded because the transparency of the company was needed at this time.
"If their company is profitable, then we are 'fair', we raise it together. If then it is a loss, please talk to us. If then the company loses them (the workers) can also understand the condition," he said.
The workers, continued Ganjar, also asked the labor inspectors in Central Java, in this case the Manpower Office, to work harder, especially to bridge communication between employers and workers, which seemed not too transparent.
"Therefore, we hope for help from Apindo, let's invite the workers to be able to understand the condition of the company transparently. Once again in a transparent manner so that the information arrives and the decision can be accepted by both parties," he said.
Governor Ganjar Pranowo previously decided to increase the Central Java Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) in 2021 to Rp1,798,979 or an increase of 3.27 percent compared to this year which was only Rp1,742,015.
Ganjar admitted that he did not use the Circular of the Minister of Manpower in determining the increase in the 2021 Central Java UMP, but that he still adhered to Government Regulation Number 78 of 2015 concerning Wages.