A Boycott Of French Products Appears, Police Have Not Received Company Security Requests

JAKARTA - The police have not received a special request from a company from France to safeguard against boycotts and product sweeps.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said, if there is a request, of course his party will do it. But even if there is no request the police will do it anyway.

"If we feel that there is a place that is indeed secured, we will secure it. There is a request from the community that we will provide assistance to protect everything," Yusri told reporters, Thursday, November 5.

Providing security, continued Yusri, is already the duty of the police. It's just that, the form of security is more to prevent the occurrence of non-crime. This means that if there is no criminal offense, his party is limited to issuing an appeal.

"As law enforcers, it is our duty to secure everything," he said.

The boycott of French products was the aftermath of the disappointment of some Indonesians at the statement of French President Emmanuel Macron. Because he was considered to have insulted the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The boycott of French products was first called for by Islamic organizations in Indonesia when they held a demonstration to defend the Prophet 211 at the French Embassy (Embassy) office.