If You Have A Pimple On Your Back, Here's A Trick To Get Rid Of It

JAKARTA - The appearance of acne on the back can be caused by several things, such as hormonal factors, genetics, hygiene, to the consumption of certain drugs or supplements.

There are several ways that you can do to treat acne that appears on the back area, however, make sure before you treat it, you know in advance what is the root cause of the acne so that the treatment is carried out according to your needs. Check out the following tips for overcoming acne on your back, adapted from Healthline, Tuesday, July 12.

Shower after exercise

Allowing sweat and dirt to settle on your skin after a workout can be a big contributor to back acne. Shower as soon as possible after exercising. Don't forget to wash your workout clothes to make sure the bacteria on the clothes are gone.


Use a gentle exfoliating scrub with ingredients like salicylic acid to remove dirt and extra oil from the skin. Exfoliating regularly can also help reduce the amount of dead skin that can clog pores.

Wear loose clothes

Tight clothing can cause acne on your back because it closes the pores. The more often you use tight clothing, the greater the chance for acne to grow. To be safer and more comfortable, use loose clothing to anticipate.

Use tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an Australian plant. This plant has been used for years to treat various skin problems. Today, you can find many lotions, cleansers, and creams that use this ingredient. Tea tree lotion is believed to kill acne-causing bacteria.

Keep hair away from back

Long hair can add oil and dirt to the back skin. This causes acne to appear. Wash your hair regularly and tie it in a bun or ponytail when you sweat.

Don't let conditioner or shampoo run down your back. The ingredients in this product can cause clogged pores.

Eat healthy food

An unhealthy diet can affect the body in a number of ways. If you are prone to acne, certain foods can be triggers. Research shows that foods high on the glycemic index (GI) can make acne worse. These foods include bread, pasta, white rice, and potatoes.