Visiting Subang, President Jokowi Distributes Social Assistance At Sukamandi Market

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo handed over social assistance to traders at Sukamandi Market, Subang, West Java, to spur economic growth in the post-pandemic community. five. It is important because we want to trigger economic growth which is under recovery due to the pandemic," he said, in his statement at Sukamandi Market, Tuesday, July 12. In addition to social assistance for traders, he also provided a number of assistance for the beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program, especially for those who have businesses at home. "Then there is also an addition to the PKH program, especially also for mothers who have businesses at home, home businesses so that additional capital of Rp 1.2 million," he said. He hopes that the assistance can strengthen people's purchasing power so that they can increase local economic growth. So that if there is an excess in the APBN, from taxes, from PNBP, from export levies, it will also be directed to the people below whose purchasing power is also strengthened. So that later there will be additions for them," he said. Also accompanying the activity were Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Deputy Governor of West Java, Uu Ruzhanul Ulum, and Subang Regent, Ruhimat.