Medan Children Please Remember, Bicycles/Electric Scooters Are Banned, Polrestabes Raids In The Merdeka Square Area

MEDAN - The use of electric scooters/bikes in the Merdeka Square area, Medan City is also a concern.

The Medan Polrestabes Traffic Unit (Satlantas) personnel immediately went to the location and prohibited the use of the electric scooter in the Merdeka Square area.

The Head of Traffic at Medan Polrestabes, AKBP Sonny Siregar, explained that the use of scooters and motorbikes on the road was not regulated in Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

"We inform you that the legal basis for its use is not regulated in Law No. 22/2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation," said AKBP Sonny in his statement, Monday, July 11.

AKBP Sonny explained that the existence of electric scooters and otopeds and so on was regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia number 44 of 2020 concerning Certain Vehicles.

"In certain vehicles referred to in the ministerial regulation, such as electric scooters, electric bicycles, hoverboards and otopeds. The operation of certain vehicles is in special lanes or certain areas, not on roads," he explained.

Therefore, the police warned of the dangers of using electric scooters and motorbikes on the road.

"Those who use scooters or motorbikes on the road can be punished by Article 282 of Law 22 of 2009 or not complying with the orders or appeals of the police," he said.

So that there will be no more use of scooters, otopeds in the Merdeka Square area or on the highway, the Medan Traffic Police has also summoned the scooter community.

During the meeting, the Medan Polrestabes appealed and prohibited the use of scooters on the highway in accordance with Law No. 22 of 2009.

"For this reason, we urge the entire community, the citizens of Medan, so that we avoid accidents, don't use the road wrongly. Do not use scooters, autopets and so on which are not regulated in the provisions of the traffic and road transportation law," said AKBP Sonny.