DPRD Thinks That DKI's 2021 Revenue Target Is Too High During The Pandemic

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government of DKI and the DPRD DKI are preparing a General Policy on Budget and Temporary Budget Priority Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) for the 2021 Fiscal Year. The DKI Provincial Government is proposing regional revenue of IDR 48.1 trillion in 2021.

Responding to this, DKI DPRD Budget Agency Member Jhonny Simanjuntak said the regional budget revenue target in DKI in 2021 was too high. Because, Jakarta is currently still being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"It is too optimistic for the DKI Provincial Government to get more than Rp48 trillion in revenue. This is a corona situation, you know. It's not realistic," said Jhonny when contacted, Thursday, November 5.

Reflecting on the 2017 APBD draft, Jhonny said the revenue target was almost the same as the 2021 APBD draft. In fact, regional revenue in 2017 did not reach the target.

"In 2017, if I'm not mistaken it could not be achieved far, even though the economy at that time was still good. Now, especially now with the corona situation. Is it easy? Then where are the sources of income?" cecar Jhonny.

A similar sentiment was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of the Budget Agency, Mohamad Taufik. He also said that the proposed regional income which was included in the draft KUA-PPAS DKI was still too high.

Taufik said that the impact of the pandemic had made the economy of the country and the capital far from stable. Referring to data on the realization of Jakarta's gross regional domestic product (PDRB) in the second quarter of 2020 minus 8.22 percent year on year (yoy).

"The economy is currently the lowest in the last 10 years. We have to be realistic, don't fantasize. We want to question where this target will be achieved," said Taufik.

Therefore, Taufik appealed to all members of the Commission to be more detailed in discussing the draft KUA-PPAS for the 2021 APBD. "Later, at the next meeting, we must examine everything in detail," he said.

For information, in the KUA-PPAS APBD DKI document for 2021, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan proposed a regional revenue of IDR 48.1 trillion in 2021.

In detail, DKI is targeting revenue in the form of taxes of Rp. 41.5 trillion, retribution of Rp. 755 billion, management of separated regional assets of Rp. 660 billion, and other income of Rp. 5.2 trillion.

DKI also determines revenue other than regional original revenue (PAD) in the form of transfers of IDR 17.5 trillion and grant income of IDR 2.5 trillion.

Then, DKI set regional expenditure at Rp. 70.3 trillion with a deficit of Rp. 2.1 trillion. Then, the receipts are in the form of excess budget usage (silpa) and regional loans amounting to Rp9.8 trillion.

In addition, there were expenditures in the form of regional capital participation of IDR 7.2 trillion, IDR 33.6 billion of principal debt installments, and IDR 200 billion of regional loans.

That way, the total draft APBD for the 2021 budget year from regional revenue and financing is Rp. 77.7 trillion in the KUA-PPAS APBD 2021 document.