YouTube Delete Live Stream Video US Presidential Election Quick Count

JAKARTA - The YouTube video sharing platform removed a number of fake live streaming content from the vote counting process for the United States Presidential Election. This was done, hours before the process was officially closed in all US states.

The live broadcast has even been watched by thousands of people, before finally being taken down by YouTube. Some of the content also embeds advertisements, so that the uploader can monetize it.

"After careful review, we removed the live stream that violated our Community Guidelines," a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement.

Indeed, YouTube has indeed established policies that prohibit spam and fraudulent practices of content related to the US Presidential Election, both before and after. This was done to ward off hoaxes and misinformation related to the results of the presidential election in the US.

YouTube itself will only prioritize live broadcasts from official news agencies related to the 2020 US Presidential Election. Not only YouTube, social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are also trying to suppress the circulation of hoaxes during the US Presidential Election.

Facebook, for example, will label each post from each candidate or their campaign team, if they try to claim the election victory before the tally is finished. Instagram has also done the same thing by tagging content that tries to refute or delegitimize the results of the US Presidential Election.

So far, the acquisition of electoral votes for the Democratic presidential candidate from the United States (US), Joe Biden, has left the results obtained by the incumbent candidate Donald Trump. Joe Biden won 264 votes over Donald Trump who got 214 votes.

It should be noted that the US Presidential Election adopts an electoral college system or a representative system, so the electoral votes will determine the victory of a presidential candidate. It takes at least 270 electoral votes - out of a total of 538 electoral votes - to win the US presidential election