French Product Sweeping Action In Menteng, Police: Purchased Then Burned

JAKARTA - News of the action of a group of masses suspected of sweeping French products at Menteng minimarket, Central Jakarta. This action was in the aftermath of a statement by French President Emmanuel Macron who was deemed to have insulted the Prophet Muhammad.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Menteng Metro Police, Commissioner Gozali Luhulima confirmed the incident. He said that there were 20 people from the Islamic Youth Movement (GPI) who came to the minimarket and bought several French products.

"Not sweeping, but they buy," said Gozali to VOI, Thursday, November 5.

Some of the products they buy include mineral water, milk and biscuits. But after buying the product they took it to the GPI office located at 57 Jalan Menteng Raya, Central Jakarta.

"Then it was burned or destroyed in the GPI office or yard," he said.

The boycott of French products was first called for when the Prophet 211 defending action was carried out by a number of Islamic organizations.

Rizieq Shihab's son-in-law, Hanif Alatas, who was in command at the action, was the one who called for it. In front of the protesters, he asked the government to boycott and expel the French Embassy from Indonesia.

The request to expel the French representative from Indonesia was based on disappointment over the attitude shown by French President Emmanuel Macron. Because of this, Indonesia was deemed inappropriate to have a relationship with France.

"Expel the French Embassy," said Hanif, Monday, November 2.

In addition, Hanif also asked the Indonesian government to imitate the attitude of the Turkish Government which had boycotted all French-made products. This step is said to be a form of strong criticism from Indonesia.

"We ask the Indonesian government like Turkey to officially boycott all French products," he said