Debt Collecor Rushing Action With Customers Until A Motorbike User Collides On Jalan Sultan Agung, South Jakarta

JAKARTA - A viral video on social media shows a man being beaten by a number of residents in the Halimun Bus Stop area, Jalan Sultan Agung, Setiabudi, South Jakarta. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Setiabudi Police, Kompol Suparmin confirmed the incident.

Suparmin said that the man who was beaten was a debt collector. The incident was reported on Saturday, July 9.

Suparmin explained that the incident began when one of the debt collectors with the initials JSS and three colleagues were looking for customers who did not pay their motorbike installments.

Arriving at Jalan Latuharhari, Menteng, Central Jakarta, JSS saw the target was riding a motorbike, and they immediately chased him.

"At first he wanted to collect motorbikes, he wanted to steal people's motorbikes. The person ran away, when the red light passed he (the one who was billed) said Supamin when contacted by VOI, Monday, July 11.

Suparmin continued, the debt collectors chased their targets until they finally hit another driver with the initials ES at the crime scene (TKP). They tried to run away, but the residents managed to catch JSS, until they were ganged up. While YS managed to escape.

"When he was secured, his friend was riding him. The other thing was that the motorbike had run away, the only thing left was he (JSSS) alone," he said.

The police who received the report immediately rushed to the location to secure JSS to the Setiabudi Police. Not long after, YS, who had fled, was caught by other residents and handed over to the police.

"Just be safe, if it doesn't take months. (Now) it is being developed for other cases. If not, we will go home," he said.

Regarding the victim who was hit, said Suparmin, ES only suffered minor injuries. Meanwhile, the two debt collectors only suffered minor injuries and suffered minor injuries on the face due to being beaten by the masses.

"(Debt collector) Not treated, just ordinary bruises. (The victim who was hit) only had blisters," he concluded.