International Institute Appreciates Job Creation Law, Moeldoko: We Are On The Right Path

JAKARTA - The Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, said that Law Number 12 of 2020 concerning Job Creation received appreciation from a number of international institutions.

Various world-level institutions that appreciate Omnibus Law are the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Moody's, Fitch Rating, and the TMF Group.

"The appreciation from a number of international institutions shows us on the right path. I am optimistic that the Ciptaker Law can make people happy and prosperous," said Moeldoko in his statement, Wednesday, November 4.

Moeldoko said that the appreciation of the Job Creation Law was interpreted as optimism that the regulation was able to encourage the recovery of the Indonesian economy.

"If the business world develops, the economy will grow faster, decent work opportunities will be more open and domestic products will be more competitive," he said.

Furthermore, Moeldoko hopes that the Job Creation Law can foster an investment climate and increase business competition. This is because the Ciptaker Law is claimed to be a powerful tool so that Indonesia can become a developed country by 2045.

"Many countries are trapped in the middle income trap because of a number of regulations that make it difficult for the business world. The Ciptaker Law removes this barricade, so the economy will grow. Indonesia can escape from this trap, "he said.

According to Moeldoko, as a pro-people regulation, the Ciptaker Law could not only open up the widest possible job opportunities. But it also provides a great opportunity for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and cooperatives to start and develop their businesses.

"In addition to cutting down licensing, this law guarantees market access," he concluded.