Kemensetneg: Nothing Intentional, Typo Of Job Creation Law Is Pure Human Error

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) stated that the technical error in the text of Law Number 11 of 2011 concerning Job Creation was purely due to human negligence, aka human error.

"Kemensetneg has conducted a series of internal inspections and no intentional elements have been found, the mistake is purely a 'human error'," said Assistant Deputy for Public Relations at the Ministry of State Affairs Eddy Cahyono Sugiarto in a written statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 4.

This was followed by a number of errors in the 1,187-page thick law which was only passed on November 2, 2020.

According to Eddy, Kemensetneg has already sanctioned the officials responsible for the mistake.

"For officials who are responsible for the process of preparing the draft bill before it is submitted to the President, the Ministry of State Affairs has also imposed disciplinary sanctions," said Eddy.

Eddy said that Kemensetneg has responded quickly by taking corrective action steps.

"This step is in line with the implementation of 'zero mistakes' to optimize support for the President in carrying out the duties of state government," added Eddy.

Furthermore, as an effort to implement "zero mistakes" in the preparation of draft laws (RUUs) in the future, quality control improvement will continue to be carried out by conducting "reviews" of Service Standards and "Standard Operating Procedures" (SOP) relating to the preparation of draft bills will be signed by the President.

"The mistake in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation which has been signed by the President, basically does not change the substance and is more of a purely technical administrative nature," said Eddy.

Therefore, this mistake will not affect the norms regulated in it and the implementation of the said law at the technical level.

"However, Kemensetneg will make the findings of mistakes as valuable lessons and become notes and input to continue to perfect the preparation of the bill, so that technical errors do not happen again," said Eddy.

Errors found in the Job Creation Law, for example, are on page 6 of article 6, which is written:

Improvement of the investment ecosystem and business activities as referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a includes:

a. application of risk-based Business Licensing;

b. simplifying the basic requirements for business licensing; c. Simplification of sector business licensing; and

d. simplification of investment requirements.

Whereas in the Job Creation Law there is no article 5 paragraph 1 letter a because Article 5 is only an independent article without a paragraph.

The sound of Article 5 is:

The scope as referred to in Article 4 covers the areas of law regulated in the relevant laws.