Iranian President: It Doesn't Matter Biden Or Trump, The Important Thing Is US Compliance With The Nuclear Treaty

JAKARTA - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that his party does not care about who will become president of the United States (US). What matters most to Iran, he said, is the future policy of the US to comply with international law and treaties.

"For Iran, the policy of the next US administration is important, it is not about who wins the election in the US," Rouhani said in a televised cabinet meeting.

"We want to be respected, not subject to sanctions (by the US). It doesn't matter who wins the US election ... For us, policies and principles are important," Rouhani added.

Under President Donald Trump's administration, in 2018 the US withdrew from the 2015 Iran Nuclear Treaty and imposed sanctions that were burdensome to the Iranian economy. In response, Iran has gradually reduced its compliance with the agreement.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden, Trump's rival in this presidential election, vowed to rejoin the six world powers in the nuclear agreement if Iran also returns to compliance.

On the other hand, Trump also mentioned that he wanted to launch a new agreement with Iran that would target the country's missile program and support regional proxies, namely in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

However Iran is not willing to enter into any negotiations regarding this matter, unless the US first re-enters the original nuclear deal.