Democrats Will Initiate Legislative Review Of Job Creation Law

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the DPR Democratic Party Faction, Didik Mukrianto, stated that his faction is ready to pursue a legislative review plan on the Job Creation Law in parliament.

Legislative review is the process of judicial review conducted by the DPR. This test aims to review articles in regulations that are considered problematic and can invalidate these rules.

"As part of rejecting the approval of the Job Creation Bill, of course we will prepare legislative review steps," Didik said in his statement, Wednesday, November 4.

Didik said, the plan to submit a legislative review was the right of a party faction. Hopefully, this will become a consideration for the revision of the Job Creation Law.

In addition, Didik also admitted that he supports morally those who plan to file a judicial review of Law Number 12 Year 2020 concerning Job Creation to the Constitutional Court.

"We really respect and morally support all parties who share the same viewpoint with the Democrats to fight in the constitutional and legal channels," he said.

For information, after the Job Creation Law was passed in the DPR on October 5, the President of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal asked DPR members not to ignore requests for legislative review, especially to the Democratic Party and PKS.

"The DPR should not throw away the body, especially the two factions that strongly reject the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. The PKS and Democrat factions can take the initiative to carry out a legislative review because it is justified by the 45 Constitution and the Law on Establishing Legislation," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the expert on constitutional law from the University of Indonesia, Said Salahudin, parties that refuse to have a strong juridical basis are the motor for legislative review.

The normative basis for the idea of this test is the desire to meet legal needs in society, seeing the action against the Job Creation Law everywhere.

"The wave of massive demonstrations against the omnibus law, which has not stopped lately, clearly shows that there is a legal need from the community to cancel the Job Creation Law," said Said Salahudin.