The Papuan Police Are Ready To Pray Eid Sunday, July 10

JAKARTA - The Papuan Police have confirmed that they are ready to secure the Eid prayer, Sunday, July 10.

The Papuan Police Chief Inspector General of Police Mathius D Fakhiri stated that all members of the National Police in this area had been alerted to secure the implementation of the Eid prayer. "For Muslims, it is hoped that they will not be euphoric and maintain tolerance among religious believers," said Police Chief Inspector General Pol Mathius D Fakhiri after leading the handover of the position of Deputy Chief of the Papuan Police, two main officials, and 11 police chiefs, in Jayapura, Friday, July 8, quoted from Antara. He admitted that tolerance between religious people in Papua is high, so it is hoped that it will continue to be maintained. "People are also expected to be easily provoked by issues that are deliberately raised by irresponsible parties," said Inspector General Fakhiri. He also emphasized that currently the security and security situation in Papua is relatively conducive and is expected to be maintained.

When asked about the problems that are still hampering the formation of a new autonomous area (DOB), namely the Timika community who want the capital city of Central Papua in their area, and the refusal of the Bintang Mountains Regency to join the Central Mountains Papua Province, the Papuan Police Chief said he would hold a meeting with the two officials. "I will immediately go to Timika to have a conversation with the Mimika Regent and also later with the Regent of the Bintang Mountains," said the Papuan Police Chief as well.