Nindy Ayunda Was Examined At The South Jakarta Police Regarding The Allegation Of Holding A Former Driver

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police will summon artist Nindy Ayunda regarding the case of the confinement of her former driver, Sulaiman. This is done to find out the truth of the incident.

"It's true, today is scheduled for a summons," said South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto via text message, Friday, July 8.

Budhi said Nindy's summons as a witness in the case of the confinement of his former driver.

"The person concerned is a witness," he concluded.

For information, Nindy Ayunda was reported by Rini Diana on suspicion of holding Sulaiman in February 2021 to the Polda Metro Jaya. The legal process was then transferred to the South Jakarta Metro Police.

In Rini Diana's report, Nindy Ayunda was charged with Article 333 of the Criminal Code on Crime Against People's Independence. The threat is 8 years in prison.

Currently, the investigation process against Rini Diana and Sulaiman is still ongoing at the South Jakarta Metro Police.