Cases Of Selling And Purchase Of ASN Candidates In Mataram Allegedly Involve Internal Employees Of BKN

MATARAM - The case of brokering in the recruitment of candidates for state civil servants (ASN) at the Mataram City Regional General Hospital, West Nusa Tenggara, allegedly involved employees of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN). Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Mataram Police Commissioner Kadek Adi Budi Astawa in Mataram, Thursday, July 7, said that his party was still investigating the allegation. "The matter is that we are still investigating (the involvement of BKN employees)," said Kadek Adi as quoted by Antara. The emergence of the alleged involvement of BKN employees was revealed from the confession of a suspected broker with the initials JN. The woman with the status of an active ASN at the Mataram City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), initially told the victim's promise with the initials I.JN said the victim with the status of honorary staff at the Mataram City Hospital initially came to ask for help to graduate from the recruitment of ASN candidates in 2021. He also admitted that he had given a graduation requirement to the victim. The condition relates to a guarantee of Rp28 million. The money was also attached to evidence of receipts and agreement letters between JN and the victim. However, the guarantee money given by the victim was not spent alone because Rp15 million was deposited to a BKN employee with the initials S.

Knowing that the victim did not pass the recruitment of ASN candidates, JN admitted that he was willing to return the guarantee money to the victim in installments. However, the victim refused until finally JN was reported to the police and named a suspect under the suspicion of Article 372 of the Criminal Code on Embezzlement and Article 378 of the Criminal Code on Fraud. This brokering mode has also been carried out since the recruitment of ASN candidates in 2010. During that period, JN admitted to running it with S, a BKN employee. However, since 2018, when recruiting ASN candidates using online facilities, JN said his side business had begun to dim.