Martina Berto Network Business Cooperation With PT Dos Ni Roha, Expanding Distribution Networks

JAKARTA - To increase business growth and strengthen the distribution of its products on the General Trade channel, in mid-2022 Martha Tilaar Group as a cosmetic, skin care and herbal producer in Indonesia, through its business unit, PT Martina Berto Tbk (MBTO) collaborates in distribution with PT Dos NiRoha (DNR) which is a subsidiary of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk (DNR Corporation).These two companies are big names that have stood strong and experienced for decades in their respective fields. This trust was obtained by PT Dos Ni Roha from his track record as a leading distribution and logistics service provider in Indonesia for online and offline retail.The cooperation agreement was confirmed through the signing of a cooperation agreement carried out by each company leadership, namely Gary Tanoesoedibjo as the attorney of Rudijanto Tanoesoedibjo, President Director of PT Dos Ni Roha, who is also the Director of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk as well as Commissioner of PT Dos Ni Roha, and Bryan Tilaar as President Director of PT Martina Berto Tbk, witnessed by Kilala Tilaar, CEO of Martha Tilaar Group.In this collaboration, several superior products from PT Martina Berto Tbk include Sariayu Martha Tilaar, Biokos Martha Tilaar, Caring Colors Martha Tilaar, Belia Martha Tilaar and Rudy Hadisuwarno Cosmetics, will be distributed by DNR through its distribution network which includes 32 branches, 14 depots, 61 sub distributors with a potential number of outlets spread across 463 cities throughout Indonesia by targeting the segmentation of General Trade.PT Martina Berto Tbk is optimistic that the network and distribution reach of DNR can help PT Martina Berto Tbk's products to be distributed more evenly and easily to consumers.In addition, DNR as an experienced distributor since 1963 has been supported by the supply chain management system, inventory control and good sales data that are well integrated online from warehouses to customers, so that the required data can be known in real time.Strategic cooperation between PT Martina Berto Tbk and DNR is targeting a business potential of IDR 135 billion in the first year. PT Martina Berto Tbk targets the distribution growth of its products in general trade of 65 percent on average in Semester 2 in 2022."We are optimistic that the collaboration with PT Dos Ni Roha can help increase business growth in the general trade in a sustainable manner every year. With the distribution experience for 59 years and the support of PT Dos Ni Roha's technology and infrastructure system, we hope that PT Martina Berto Tbk's products can be distributed more broadly and evenly, and can reach the end-user at the bottom level massively," said Bryan Tilaar, President Director of PT Martina Berto Tbk."This collaboration will be a strong synergy. DNR distribution services have been equipped with a supply chain management system, integrated inventory control and sales data so that they can optimize the distribution process," said Gary Tanoesoedibjo, Director of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia, Tbk and Commissioner of PT Dos Ni Roha.“We believe, supported by good retail distribution channels, and spread throughout Indonesia, and with more than 400 thousand outlet networks that we reach, PT Dos Ni Roha is able to distribute and market PT Martina Berto Tbk's superior products on target. This collaboration can also certainly be an added value of the business owned by PT Dos Ni Roha, especially in terms of adding our portfolios ”, he added.PT Martina Berto Tbk and DNR are optimistic to take the opportunity to stretch the cosmetic market after the pandemic."With the selling point, capability and experience of decades owned by each company, I believe this synergy can run well to take advantage of market opportunities and answer dynamic distribution business landscape challenges in line with changes in customer behavior and technological changes," said Kilala Tilaar, CEO of Martha Tilaar Group.