Burger King Asks Indonesian People To Snack At McDonald's, KFC, And Warteg

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic has hit almost all sectors of the economy, including the restaurant and tourism industry. These difficult conditions prompted one of the leading fast food restaurants with the Burger King trademark to support other business actors, including its competitor, McDonald's.

In an upload on the Instagram @ burgerking.id account entitled Order from McDonald's, the company asks the public to order food from other outlets, one of which is McDonald's.

Not only that, Burger King also advised the public to buy other competing products such as Flip Burger, Carl's Jr, Wendy's, Klenger Burger, KFC, CFC, Domino's Pizza, Pizza Hut, and others to Warung Tegal (Warteg).

"It never occurred to us to ask you to do this, but all restaurants with thousands of employees need your help right now," read the post which was uploaded on Tuesday night, November 3.

On the other hand, the Burger King Indonesia Team advised that if the public wanted to help, they could order food via delivery, takeaway, and drive-thru orders.

"Enjoying the best choice of Whopper (Burger King products), but ordering a Big Mac (McDonald's product) also doesn't hurt," they wrote.

Apparently, a similar invitation was made by Burger King in England. Unusual advice among rivals for this restaurant business was tweeted live by Burger King in the UK on Monday, November 2. However, the British Burger King version of the campaign has no different list of restaurants compared to Indonesia. Even so, Burger King mentions KFC, Subway and Domino's Pizza, as well as other chains.

"We never thought we would ask you to do this, but a restaurant that employs thousands of staff really needs your support at this time," wrote Burger King UK on the company's Instagram social media account.