Legal Experts Yakin Pemerintah Akan Legalkan Ganja Untuk Medis, Ini Alasannya

JAKARTA - The criminal law expert Prof. Hibnu Nugroho is optimistic that the discourse on legalizing marijuana for medical purposes will be realized in Indonesia.
"I see that I am optimistic because the law must respond to the needs of the community," said Hibnu when contacted by ANTARA in Jakarta, Thursday, July 7.
He stated that the law should be able to keep up with the times, answer changes in the times, and be able to serve the community (Alex progressive).
"The law must be progressive, it is for the benefit of humans," said the Professor of the Criminal Procedure Code.
Because it is an exception, according to him, marijuana regulations for treatment must contain clear boundaries so that concerns about abuse can anticipate it.
"This is needed for medical purposes, the boundaries have been coordinated with the medical team," said Hibnu.
It is explained that criminal formulation must be interpreted firmly without any analogy (Alex striking).
Regulations, continued Hibnu, cannot be interpreted carelessly because for dangerous drugs, medical people know.
The criminal law expert from Jenderal Sudirman University, Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, did not deny that there were obstacles in the legalization process of marijuana for medical purposes.
Hibnu said that the birth of a rule has the potential to lead to abuse from special provisions. Therefore, the parameters must be clear.
"I agree but there must be certainty that can be given so that the interpretation is not too broad, then there is abuse," said Hibnu.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Section of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Tubagus Erif Faturahman, said that Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Narcotics included a multiplier class.
"I believe the paramedics understand the benefits of marijuana. However, benefits and impacts need to be considered whether the benefits of marijuana are more than less", said Tubagus Erif Faturahman.
Moreover, he said, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) considered marijuana in Indonesia to be different from abroad and the level of danger was more.
"Medicals know that marijuana has benefits. They think that if there is conventional medicine, it used to be so there is no need for marijuana," said Erif.
Erif admitted the complexity of efforts to legalize marijuana for medical purposes so that the Government reviewed the benefits of marijuana for medical purposes.
This time, he continued, not only involved the Ministry of Health and medical experts, but also plant-growing and sociological experts.
"The demands from the DPR will reopen the study, MUI supports a deeper study," said Erif.