RKUHP Demo Mass At Merdeka Square, Medan When Jokowi Attends Harganas

MEDAN - Masses belonging to the Medan Kamisan Action demonstrated at Merdeka Square, Medan. The demonstration was held to coincide with the presence of President Joko Widodo at the National Family Day (harganas).

In their action, the masses rejected a number of articles that were considered anti-democratic in the RKUHP. The masses demanded that President Jokowi delete the article.

"The lives of the victims must not stand still," shouted the crowd during a speech, Thursday, July 7.

However, before submitting all of their demands, the officers immediately dismissed the mass action. There was an argument and shoving between the officers and the crowd. The police also secured demonstration equipment such as banners and posters belonging to the masses.

"Later, there is another event," said the policeman who was wearing a casual dress.

A mass protester, Dinda told reporters that her party wanted to convey to President Jokowi that the discussion of the RKUHP would involve the public.

"We want to convey the national situation that there is a RUKHP that will be ratified, but it does not involve the public. The discussion is carried out behind closed doors and only the latest release is issued that does not involve the public," said Dinda.

In addition, his party also regretted the actions of the officers who were considered too repressive in handling the demonstration.

"We only spread banners and voiced that there were victims who wanted to express their aspirations. But banners and posters were taken.

We want Pak Jokowi to see that the movement to reject the anti-democratic controversy article in the RKUHP is removed," he said.

"We are no more than 10 people but we are surrounded by banners. We are told to disperse, we just want to convey our aspirations," he continued.

Not long after, President Jokowi and his entourage left Merdeka Square to head to the Belawan area. In order to 'invisible' Jokowi, the police 'closed' the mass action by mobilizing satay traders and hawkers.

Observations at the location, the hawkers were lined up in front of the mass of action. A number of plainclothes police then asked them to shout the name of President Joko Widodo.

"Later, when they (the crowd) scream, you shout louder. Say live Pak Jokowi," said the officer.

The steps taken by the officer were quite successful. As they passed by, the screams of the hawkers were louder, so that President Jokowi's attention was drawn to them.