PPP Secretary General Says Sandiaga Uno Difficult To Be General Chair Of PPP
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the United Development Party (PPP) Arsul Sani said it was difficult for Sandiaga Uno to become the General Chairperson of the PPP because he was not a party cadre.
"(Sandiaga's opportunity) is not closed, but it is difficult to directly become chairman. For other positions such as deputy chairman or daily chairman, it is open because it is not prohibited by the party's AD / ART," he said on the sidelines of the PPP Pre-Conference in Semarang, reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 4.
He emphasized that since its inception until now, PPP is a cadre party, but anyone can be nominated or nominated as chairman as long as they meet the requirements of AD / ART.
"We welcome people outside (the party) to become chairman, but we are required to have been a DPP PPP board member for a period because it takes time to understand PPP culture and interact with stakeholders in PPP," he said.
Other names besides Sandiaga Uno who were also proposed to run in the election for the PPP General Chairman such as PPP Acting Chairman Suharso Monoarfa, PPP senior cadre Ahmad Muqowam, Mardiono Wantimpres, and East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa.
In relation to the implementation of the PPP Pre-Congress which was attended by all PPP DPWs throughout Indonesia, Arsul explained that this activity was to listen to input from the regions about matters of concern or decisions at the next congress.
Previously, the chairman of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said that Sandiaga Uno often received offers from other parties to become chairman.
This was conveyed by Dasco in response to the inclusion of the name of the Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party Board of Trustees into the candidate market for chairman of the United Development Party (PPP).
"It's not only PPP that offers. Yes indeed, the invitation to become the chairman of another party means that Sandi is accepted and has a large number of voters," Dasco told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, October 26.