Booster Requirements For Face-to-face Visits, Praya Prison NTB Holds Vaccination For Prisoners

NTB - Class IIB Praya Detention Center, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) again held booster vaccination activities for prisoners or inmates to prevent new cases of COVID-19.

"This vaccination program is a continuation of activities that have been carried out previously," said the Head of the Praya Rutan, Jumasih in his office, Thursday, July 7.

He said this booster vaccination was carried out in addition to preventing the spread of COVID-19. This vaccination is also a condition for receiving a face-to-face visit that will be carried out in the near future.

From the circular letter of the Directorate General of Corrections, inmates must have received a booster vaccine as a condition for receiving face-to-face visits.

"All inmates were recorded and their health checked before receiving the third dose of vaccine," he said.

The booster vaccination is also carried out considering that the residents assisted by the Class IIB Praya Rutan Kanwil Kemenkumham NTB have met the requirements for the booster vaccine, which is at least 3 months after the second or complementary dose of vaccine.

This booster vaccination was held simultaneously by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in collaboration with the Praya Health Center as health workers.

"This is our joint effort to support the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination, as well as the achievements of the community's Herd Immunity, with this we hope that in the future all inmates will be vaccinated," he said.

The Head of the Praya Rutan appreciated this activity so that it could run safely and smoothly, thus encouraging the acceleration of the central government's program in terms of accelerating vaccinations in Central Lombok in particular.

"We also urge the public to continue to support the vaccination program, for the inmates don't be afraid to be vaccinated, because this is for health," he said.