First Stage Of PMK Vaccination, Targeting Cattle In 7 Cities And Regencies In Central Kalimantan

KALTENG - The realization of the first stage of 2,700 doses of Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) vaccination for Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng) has reached 100 percent. ," said Head of the Central Kalimantan Food Crops, Horticulture and Livestock Service (TPHP), Riza Rahmadi in Palangka Raya, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 6. , Kapuas, Pulang Pisau, East Barito, and Palangka Raya. "Livestock that have been vaccinated are also registered in the Isikhnas application, the Indonesian animal health information system," he explained. which found cases of livestock exposed to FMD, as well as border areas such as East Barito and Kapuas. Then for distribution Central Kalimantan will receive the second phase of PMK vaccine from the center at the end of July 2022. For the quota of vaccines received in the second stage, it is hoped that it will be twice the amount of the first stage of vaccine. "Hopefully for the second stage of vaccine, the quota for Central Kalimantan will be double that of the first stage," said Riza. has prepared the necessary infrastructure, including officers in the field consisting of 55 vet medics, 94 vet paramedics, 105 inseminators, and 362 extension or non-medical people.

Furthermore, Riza said, apart from vaccination, other efforts made by the provincial government to anticipate and deal with FMD, namely the strict regulation of livestock traffic. The district government has also activated cattle crossing posts, one of which is in East Barito Regency which is located in Taniran. This post actively checks livestock passing by, such as checking the completeness of the documents that must be brought. Previously, the Head of the Banjarbaru Veterinary Center Putut Eko Wibowo said that the PMK vaccination was planned to be carried out three times, so that a marker was given for cattle that had been vaccinated. The target for vaccinated livestock is within a radius of up to 10 kilometers from the infected area.