Drainage Repair Is Considered More Important Than Disaster Warning System

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta plans to install six additional Disaster Warning Systems (DWS) at several points in 2020. In procuring a loudspeaker in the form of a toa which functions as a warning of high rainfall for residents, around Rp. 4 billion has been budgeted.

Later, the devices that are included in the Early Warning System (EWS) of the DKI Regional Disaster Management Agency will be installed in several points of flood-prone settlements, especially river basins. Among them are Tegal Alur, Rawajati, Makasar, Jati Padang, Kedoya Selatan, and Cililitan.

The installation of DWS in Jakarta is not new. If you look back to the previous few years, right in 2014, this one-way communication tool has been installed in a number of locations. The technology is also a grant from Japan through Japan Radio.Co (JRC).

Head of the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Division of the DKI Jakarta Provincial BPBD, M Ridwan, said that the installation of communication devices originating from gifts by the Japanese had also been installed at five points, namely in the Ulujami, Petogogan, Rawa Buaya, Kampung Melayu and Bidara Cina areas.

Furthermore, in 2019, the DWS procurement was again budgeted. In fact, the equipment has been installed at nine points spread throughout the Jakarta area. The technology is also in the Kapuk, North Kembangan, Cipulir, Pengadegan, East Cilandak, East Pejaten, Cawang, Cipinang Melayu and Kebon Pala areas.

"From 2014, six sets have been installed. Then in 2019 there are nine sets. So until now there are 14 sets installed at several points in Jakarta," Ridwan said in a statement received by VOI, Saturday, January 19.

With the addition of six DWS in 2020, the total number of communication devices will even be 20. So, it is hoped that later the community will be more prepared for disasters.

It's just that, the plan to add DWS has actually drawn rejection. Public policy observer, Trubus Rahadiansyah, became one of the people who loudly rejected the plan.

According to him, procuring equipment that is claimed to be a "weapon" in anticipation of floods is merely a waste. His statement was said not without reason. With dozens of DWS sets in 2019, massive floods in early 2020 are still occurring.

So, according to him, the presence of DWS did not have much impact on the community in anticipating floods. Moreover, the nominal budgeted is quite large.

"The implementation of DWS cannot be said to be good or far from optimal. But why add it back. From the financial side, this is a waste," said Trubus.

However, Trubus said that DWS is a good innovation. However, it is feared that the additional means of communication will be used as a guise by the elements to play with the budget.

He suggested that if it was better the budget for the addition of the DWS was diverted for cleaning and widening the drainage or drainage channels in slum areas. According to him, one of the factors in the occurrence of flooding in Jakarta is the lack of availability of drainage in several flood-affected areas.

"Maybe it is better if the budget is diverted to cleaning up drainages such as sewers and culverts. The effect will be more visible," said Trubus.