Ministry Of Religion Urges Congregants To Pay Attention To Schedule For Movement To Arafah

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion urges pilgrims to pay attention to the schedule for moving to Arafah to carry out the peak of the pilgrimage series, so that they arrive at the specified time. has been determined," said the Daily Executor of the Public Relations, Data and Information Bureau of the Ministry of Religion, Wawan Djunaedi, at a press conference for the Hajj in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 6. July 8. Towards the peak of the implementation of this pilgrimage, the Ministry of Religion through hajj officers, both crew officers, PPIH (Hajj Organizing Committee) Saudi Arabia, and other parties involved, to unite in preparing all matters relating to the operational implementation of the pilgrimage." To PPIH Kloter and PPIH Sector, to really provide a detailed explanation That's the schedule for the movement of each group," he said. Wawan asked the congregation to bring enough luggage, such as clothes, toiletries, worship equipment, and medicines. Other items are enough to be deposited at the congregation's residence through their respective sector officers.

"Congregants must understand the things that are prohibited during ihram. This is important so that the congregation's worship series is carried out according to the provisions in the rituals. Immediately ask and consult with worship supervisors in their respective groups," he said. On the other hand, before Wukuf in Arafah as many as 120 sick pilgrims consisting of 96 people were treated at the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI) and 24 people were treated at the Saudi Arabian Hospital. One more member died, on behalf of Nursiah Darsiah Simpin (60), BTH22 crew, from Batam Embarkation so that the total number of pilgrims who died in the Holy Land was 22 people.