Buy 1.1 Ton Cows For Sacrifice, Atta Halilintar: The Best For Paradise Vehicles

JAKARTA - Eid al-Adha is getting closer. Atta Halilintar has already bought the sacrificial animal, he asked the netizens to give a name for the sacrificial animal he bought.

"Help me give the name of this voluptuous giant cow, guys. Hopefully it will be a vehicle in the afterlife," Atta wrote on Instagram quoted Wednesday, July 6.

The appearance of the brown cow amazed netizens. The reason is that the Megalodon cow that Atta bought is very large, the cow weighs 1,194 kilograms.

"Mashallah, this cow is really big. The first time I saw this voluptuous cow, I couldn't carry it, guys? What do you think? It's already Eid al-Adha, Bismillah, the vehicle in the afterlife," continued Atta.

Atta, who likes to collect expensive cars, explained his intention to look for the best for vehicles in the hereafter. For information, Muslims believe that the animal that is sacrificed will be their vehicle in the afterlife.

"We are looking for the best for vehicles in heaven. Don't just vehicles in the world are good," said Atta on the Atta Halilintar YouTube channel.

The owner of the farm visited by Atta Halilintar explained that megalodon is a type of cow that has solid meat. This type of beef muscle has also become meat.

"Okay bismillah, sir, we have a contract for megalodon cattle, one of the historic cattle, and cattle are included in West Java, God willing," said Atta Halilintar while shaking the cow owner's hand.