Mother Of The Suspect In The Case Of Beating Classmates Willingly Bow To The Parents Of The Victims As Long As The Case Is Peaceful

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police are seeking restorative justice for both parties related to the case of a beating at a school in South Jakarta.

"So, the process has been carried out. However, the condition is that there must be an agreement between the two parties and this is still being pursued," said the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Budhi Herdi Susianto, quoting Antara, Tuesday, July 5.

Budhi said that both the suspect and the victim had to meet face-to-face to reach a mutual agreement.

Previously, the police managed to arrest someone on the wanted list (DPO) with the initials ML, who had previously been a suspect along with five of his friends for the beating on Tuesday, June 28.

For his actions, ML and his five friends were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code concerning beatings that any perpetrator who commits a criminal act of assault openly is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of five years and six months.

Meanwhile, the parents of the six suspects as well as seniors of the victim went to the South Jakarta Metro Police to demand justice for their child's future, Tuesday afternoon.

The parents pleaded guilty to their son's actions to reporters. They also claimed to have apologized and were willing to be asked to prostrate by the victim's family.

However, the mother of one of the suspects, Kulsum tearfully asked that her child's future should also be considered because for her imprisonment was not a solution.

"They've made a mistake, right. But with this mistake their future is also snatched away? Jail doesn't solve. Jail is not the right thing to do.