Realization Of New FLPP Distribution Reaches 99,557 Units From Target Of 200 Thousand Units, PUPR: Because It's Only Been Going On Since February

JAKARTA - The realization of the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) allocated by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) in 2022, has almost reached half of the target. The number reached 99,557 units per semester I 2022, or 49.78 percent of this year's target of 200,000 units.

"This is because the initial distribution of the FLPP was carried out in February 2022 pending the disbursement of the budget procurement list (DIPA)," said Director General of Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing of the PUPR Ministry Herry Trisaputra Zuna in a written statement, quoted on Tuesday, July 5.

Herry also revealed that the realization of the Interest Difference (SSB) subsidy only reached Rp. 111.08 billion from the target of Rp. 4.39 trillion. The target is 769,903 units.

Meanwhile, the realization of the Subsidy for Advances Assistance (SBUM) units has only reached 31.79 percent or 63,587 units from the target of 200,000 units. Meanwhile, the realization of SBUM assistance that has been distributed until June 2022 is recorded at Rp. 257.41 billion from the target of Rp. 812 billion.

Herry said the realization of the Savings-Based Housing Financing Assistance (BP2BT) unit was 2,463 or 33.81 percent of the target of 22,582 units.

Based on data from the exposure of the Directorate General of Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing, Ministry of PUPR in a hearing with Commission V of the DPR, the constraint for the realization of the FLPP was because it was only carried out in February 2022. In addition, there was no set quota system so that it was waiting for the availability of channeling banks in its implementation. However, the distribution of SSB assistance was constrained by the ongoing process of completing the findings of the Financial Audit Agency (BPK) and the delay in submissions from the implementing bank. Meanwhile, the problem in distributing BP2BT assistance was due to the delay in the submission from the implementing bank.