Lili Pintauli's Alleged Ethical Violation Trial Will Be Held, ICW: Imposing Heavy Sanctions!

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) urges the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to impose severe sanctions in the form of a request for the resignation of KPK Deputy Chairwoman Lili Pintauli Siregar.

This was conveyed after the KPK Council decided to hold a trial for alleged ethical violations today, Tuesday, July 5. Lili allegedly committed ethical violations because she received facilities and tickets for the Mandalika MotoGP from PT Pertamina (Persero).

"ICW urges the KPK Supervisory Board to impose severe sanctions in the form of a request for the resignation of sister Lili," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana, quoted Tuesday, July 5.

If Lili refuses later, the KPK Council can send a letter of recommendation for dismissal to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

The basis for sending the letter, continued Kurnia, is regulated in Article 32 paragraph (1) letter c jo paragraph (4) of Law Number 19 of 2019 regarding the President's authority to dismiss the KPK leadership on the grounds of committing a disgraceful act.

"As for the disgraceful act in question, it is proven by the decision of sister Lili's ethics trial," he said.

Furthermore, Kurnia also spoke about the issue of Lili Pintauli's resignation. He said, this effort should not stop the ongoing ethical examination process.

Moreover, based on Article 32 paragraph (1) letter f in conjunction with paragraph (4) of Law Number 19 of 2019, dismissal must wait for a Presidential Decree.

"As long as the Presidential Decree has not been issued, the ethics trial must still be held by the Supervisory Board," said Kurnia.

Moreover, Lili's alleged receipt of facilities and tickets for the Mandalika MotoGP is related to aspects of criminal law, namely bribery and gratuities.

"So, even if he resigns, the legal process will not stop," said the anti-corruption activist.

Lili was again reported to the KPK Council for allegedly receiving hotel accommodation facilities and tickets to watch the 2022 MotoGP race at the Mandalika International Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), from PT Pertamina (Persero).

Against this allegation, member of the KPK Supervisory Board Syamsuddin Haris an ethics session will be held Tuesday, July 5. The trial will be held behind closed doors while the reading of the verdict will be opened in accordance with the KPK Council Regulations.

In dealing with the alleged receipt, the KPK has collected materials and information from related parties, including the state-owned company. President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati has also been examined some time ago and provided additional information in writing.

Not only that, the KPK Council has also asked related parties to bring proof of booking accommodation at Amber Lombok Beach Resort and Mandalika MotoGP tickets at the Grandstand Premium Zone A-Red.