Letter Of Statement Of Attitude To The Action Of The Prophet 211 Sent By Ustaz Haikal Hasan To The Police
JAKARTA - Representatives of the mass protest action for the Prophet 211 gave a statement letter to the French Embassy (Embassy). This letter is deposited through the police.
"So from Pak Haikal Hasan, he entrusted us to the French embassy regarding the statement of the Muslim community in Indonesia," said Director of the Intelligence Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Hirbak Wahyu Setiawan this afternoon to reporters, Monday, November 2.
Hirbak said the statement letter that was entrusted would be delivered. But waiting for the demonstration to be completed first
"We'll tell you after this," he said.
But about the contents of the statement letter, Hirbak said he did not know. Because, he just received the letter.
What is clear is that these demonstrations are expected by the police to proceed according to regulations. In fact, after giving a statement the mass would begin to disperse.
"After submitting, they will gradually disperse," he said.
Of the copies received, the contents of the letter contained three points. The letter was written in French.
This afternoon, a number of Islamic organizations staged demonstrations at the French Embassy (Embassy). This action was aimed at criticizing the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Because, Macron is considered to have insulted Muslims and the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The insult was because Macron had insulted Islam and defended the publication of the controversial caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.