Pastor's Shooting In Deli Serdang Revealed, Offended Perpetrators Not Given Housing Security Money And Insinuated Irresponsible

MEDAN - The shooting case of Pastor Fernando Tambunan, a resident of the Victory Land housing estate, Galang District, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra was revealed. The shooter with the initials ZS alias Zul Balok was offended by not being given security money and insinuated that he was not responsible for the security of the housing complex.

Deli Serdang Police Chief Kombes Irsan Sinuhaji said the shooting of the priest with an air rifle occurred after the perpetrator ZS met the victim while asking for money for the security of the housing complex.

"ZS felt hurt by the words of the victim who said 'there is no responsibility for guarding the housing' when quoting the night guard and cleaning fee of Rp. 50,000 to residents of the Victory Land III housing estate," said Irsan, quoted from a written statement, Sunday, July 3.

Not accepting the victim's treatment, the perpetrator ZS planned to shoot. He prepared an air rifle with 3 rounds of bullets.

On the evening of Monday, June 27, the perpetrator went to the night watch location. After that, ZS walked to the hills to monitor the situation around the victim's house.

"From the hills you can see Fernando Tambunan sitting on the terrace of his house, then the perpetrator cocked the air rifle and fired it at Fernando Tambunan," said Kombes Irsan.

This air rifle shot hit Pastor Fernando's right arm and chest. Fernando was taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

"The motive for the shooting, according to the perpetrator's confession, was revenge against the victim because he did not want to give the requested security money," continued Kombes Irsan.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 340 in conjunction with Article 53 and/or Article 353 paragraph (2) subsidiary to Article 351 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code.