Counterfeit Investment Site, Scam Group Reach Tens Of Million

JAKARTA - Digital-based fraud with investment mode is rife in society. Social media services to the WhatsApp short message platform are often used to deceive victims.

The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, revealed one of these digital fraud groups. Four people were named as suspects, they were AW (24), ND (29), SB (32), and MA (31).

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that the disclosure originated from a report by PT. Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk. In the report, it is stated if there has been a criminal act of fraud on behalf of the company.

By creating a fake company website, the group tricked dozens of its victims. Not infrequently victims who are deceived can drain their wealth up to tens of millions.

"They manipulated the company data of PT. Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia by creating a website that is similar to the website of PT. Trimegah which will later be used to commit fraud," said Yusri in Jakarta, Friday, January 17.

Unmitigated, they created 6 fake websites on behalf of PT. Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia. The six sites used to cheat include,,,,, and Through these sites they offer forex investments, promising large returns in a short time.

"After creating the website the suspect deceived the victim by offering forex investments with the lure of a 20 percent profit for 7 days, by submitting funds of Rp. 6-20 million. In fact, PT Trimegah does not work like that," said Yusri.

Within three months, they had tricked several people and made a profit of up to Rp80 million. It's just that, regarding the number of victims, it is said that it is still being investigated because there are allegations that it will still increase.

The four perpetrators also had their respective duties and roles in defrauding the victims. The suspect AW, for example, is the mastermind of the crime, providing all the equipment, including a fake website. He was also the one who sent and replied to short messages to potential victims.

Perpetrators of fake website fraud (Rizki Adytia Pramana / VOI) Caption

"The most important task when a person is cheated is to transfer money, and he is the one who receives, withdraws, and transfers money at an ATM," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, ND is in charge of creating and falsifying company websites. Meanwhile, the last two suspects, SB and MA, have the duty to create fictitious accounts to accommodate the proceeds of fraud.

Furthermore, it was stated that in the disclosure of this case, the police secured a number of evidences in the form of cell phones, accounts and ATMs from Bank Mandiri, Permata Bank, and Sinarmas Bank. As well as Lenovo laptops, usb, and five modems.

For all their actions, the suspects are subject to Article 35 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 51 paragraph (1) and / or Article 28 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 45 A paragraph (1) of Law Number 19 Year 2016, for amendments to Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning ITE and / or Article 55 and or Article 56 of the Criminal Code carries a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison.