Lawyer Ayu Anjani Asks Police To Check Captain KM Tiana

JAKARTA - The KM Tiana accident incident that killed the mother and sister of actress and soap opera actress Ayu Anjani on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, on Kambing Island, Komodo National Park, Labuan Bajo, NTT, has a long tail.

The attorney for the artist Ayu Anjani, Mario Pranda asked the police to thoroughly investigate the case of the sinking of KM Tiana in Komodo National Park which caused the death of his client's mother and sister.

Mario Pranda assessed that there was an element of negligence on the part of KM Tiana which caused his mother and sister, Anissa Fitriani (22) and Jamiatun Widaningsih (53) to die in the accident.

Mario urged law enforcement officers to thoroughly investigate the alleged negligence of the captain/captain and crew that caused the death of two of his client's family members.

"Because we consider that we have violated the Shipping Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping," said Mario in his press statement, quoted on Friday, July 1.

Mario explained, Article 244, Article 245 and Article 249 of Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping states that, if there is a danger and accident in this case the ship sinks, then someone must immediately take steps to help.

In addition, he said, the voyage explained that the party who should be responsible for the accident was the captain/ship captain unless proven otherwise.

Thus, he continued, in the event of an accident or emergency situation like that, the captain should prioritize the safety of the ship's passengers. However, Mario said, based on witness statements from the family and other passengers on the ship, when the ship sank, the captain/captain and the crew saved themselves.

"Meanwhile, according to shipping ethics, a good captain/captain must be responsible for leaving his ship last after evacuating the passengers, not saving himself," said Mario.

Mario said the negligence caused by the captain/captain and the crew had caused the loss of a person's life, namely the mother and sister of his client, Ayu Anjani. Where according to family statements, the two victims were trapped in the bottom of the ship when the accident occurred. In addition, there were also foreign tourists who were injured as a result of the incident.

"In addition, the error that we suspect is the most fatal, according to witnesses from the family and passengers of the ship, during bad weather or strong winds, it is suspected that the captain was not in the wheelhouse," said Mario.

Based on this fact, Mario said that his party asked law enforcement officials to investigate the case of the sinking of KM Tiana, including the element of negligence of the captain/captain and the crew.

Furthermore, he said, because this incident is a general offense, the police should have followed up on the case even without a report. With this incident, he hopes to be a lesson and evaluation material for all captains/captains and all crew members to prioritize the safety of their passengers.

"So as not to cause fear and worry for tourists who want to take a vacation and take a tour to Labuan Bajo," he concluded.