BPBD: 5 Districts In NTT Affected By Floods And Landslides Due To Extreme Storm Rossby

NTT - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) said five districts were hit by floods and landslides due to the extreme storm Rossby.
Head of BPBD NTT, Ambrosius Kodo said the affected districts were Nagekeo, Ngada, Malacca, South Central Timor and East Sumba districts.
"According to the report we received, there are five regencies that are currently experiencing natural disasters as a result of the Rossby extreme wave," he said in Kupang, Friday, July 1.
He said the natural disasters that hit the five regencies, such as the flood in East Sumba Regency due to the overflow of the Laiunjuk River, caused 30 residents to be evacuated because their houses were flooded.
Meanwhile, natural disasters occurred in Ngada Regency in the form of landslides that hit three residents' houses and damaged them because they were buried by landslides, while in Nagekeo Regency there were also floods and landslides causing road access in several locations to be buried by landslides.
In addition, according to Ambrosius Kodo, landslides and floods occurred in Timor Tengah Selatan Regency, causing roads from several subdistricts to Soe, the capital of Timor Tengah Selatan Regency, to be buried by landslides.
Meanwhile, natural disasters that hit the Malacca Regency were in the form of floods and the cut off of transportation access from Malacca to the southern part of Timor Tengah Selatan Regency due to the collapse of the Boking bridge due to a landslide.
"Transportation access to the southern part of Timor Island from the South Central Timor Regency to the Malacca Regency is currently completely cut off because the Boking Bridge collapsed due to floods and landslides," said Ambros Kodo.
He said the East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government had coordinated with the disaster-affected district governments to make various efforts to deal with victims of natural disasters due to the extreme storm Rossby.
"There were no casualties from the natural disasters that hit the five areas," he said.