Labor Party Supports MCH Bill To Arrange 6 Months Leave For Workers Who Give Birth

JAKARTA - The Labor Party welcomes the ratification of the Maternal and Child Welfare Bill (RUU KIA) to become a DPR initiative bill. This is because the MCH Bill contains rules for 6 months of maternity leave for female workers and 40 days of leave for husbands whose wives give birth.

Labor Party President Said Iqbal said his party was not only criticizing the government and the DPR. However, he said, if there is a policy that favors the people, the labor party will provide support.

As in the MCH Bill. Moreover, according to him, this leave is also stated in the ILO Convention No. 183 on maternity protection.

"Six months of maternity leave is normal for women. It is even common for the husband to also take leave when his wife gives birth. Because, indeed, taking care of children is the responsibility of husband and wife," said Said Iqbal in his statement, Friday, July 1.

Said Iqbal conveyed data on several countries that provide maternity leave of more than 3 months and the wages are still paid based on ILO records. Among them are Sweden 64 weeks, Norway 49 weeks, Iceland 48 weeks, Finland 46 weeks, Czech Republic 28 weeks, Hungary 24 weeks, and Italy 20 weeks.

Even in Finland, Said Iqbal said, in addition to leave for women who gave birth for 46 weeks, they also provided leave for men whose wives gave birth for 54 days. During this time, both are entitled to full salary.

"From the results of the ILO research, longer maternity leave has succeeded in reducing maternal and child mortality. Finland, for example, even occupies the third position as the country with the lowest maternal and infant mortality rates in the world," said Said Iqbal.