Performance Meeting With Commission III Of The DPR RI Held Closed, KPK: That's The Agreement Of The Leaders Of The Council

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri spoke about a closed meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI today, Thursday, June 30. The agenda discussed was related to the KPK's performance report in 2021 and semester 1 of 2022.

"If it's related to being closed or not, it's the decision of the meeting, not mine," Firli told reporters at the DPR RI Building, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 30.

He then explained that there were four things that were discussed in the working meeting. First, it relates to institutional governance

Second, about human resources. Next, regarding corruption eradication work and related regulations after the revision of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019.

In the field of institutional management, Firli said his institution explained the main tasks of the KPK and adjustments to the organizational structure.

"We know there is a new Deputy for Public Education, there is also a Deputy for Korsup. There is also an Inspectorate, there is also a director of anti-corruption for business entities, there is a monitoring director, there is also a director for increasing community participation. That's institutional management," he said.

While in the field of HR, continued the former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK, he explained that he still needed 351 people to support the work of his institution. Then regarding the budget, the absorption has reached 49.3 percent.

"And in terms of eradicating corruption, the KPK starts from public education, we understand that there is no democracy without political parties. So we also convey the KPK's program related to eradicating corruption in an orchestration involving the legislature, executive and judiciary including political parties," he explained.

"And today we continue to attack, we invite political parties to participate in eradicating corruption through intelligent political education and integrity. This includes taking action and prevention. As of today, we have arrested 62 suspects in the first semester. ' continued Firli.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI, Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul, said the meeting with the KPK was deliberately held behind closed doors. The goal, these legislators want to dissect the performance of the KPK.

"Yes, we asked for it (closed, ed). Because we want to discuss everything, how about performance," said Bambang Pacul after the meeting.

"If it's a normal performance, it's okay (open, red) but if for example it's a matter of prosecution, the prosecution of corruption can't be elaborated (explained)," he concluded.