The Harder To Control Negative Thoughts, Turns Out To Have A Bad Effect On Emotional Conditions

YOGYAKARTA – Negative thoughts, often come suddenly and disturb your concentration. Have you ever experienced it? According to a clinical psychologist, the more you control your negative thoughts, the more depressed your emotional state is, how come?

In explaining the control paradox, David A. Clark, Ph.D. use basic ideas in cognitive behavioral therapy. According to him, unwanted negative thoughts tend to trigger emotional distress. When control over thoughts and behavior is thought to restore emotional stress, we think of ways to stop doing things that are holding us back, which is unhealthy. This demands that the brain exercise control so that it can achieve its goals which are ultimately guided by the 'do or think this, don't that' awareness.

Well, when emotionally depressed, someone also often says to himself, 'don't be too negative, think more positively'. When you turn off negative thoughts, Clark wrote as reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, June 30, the results will be bad, such as experiencing anxiety, depression, to stress. He called the situation 'choking under pressure'. This situation is described when we have worked hard to achieve a goal but failed due to emotional stress. Not because of lack of effort or bad luck. But because of our own paradoxical mind control.

Research shows that mental control is fragile. Because everyone's ability to generate thoughts is better than the ability to prevent or suppress unwanted thoughts. To overcome this, and stay grounded in realistic expectations without completely controlling negative thoughts, Clark provides tips for thinking clearly.

First, understand that trying harder to stop negative thinking is not the solution. In fact it could have the opposite effect. Second, minimize the personal significance of negative thoughts. Instead of trying not to think negative thoughts, Clark advises, turn your attention to beneficial thoughts. Well, this useful thought can be a more positive alternative thought.