In Addition To Subsidized Fuel, MyPertamina Is Being Discussed As A Requirement To Buy 3 Kg Of LPG

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Patra Niaga will implement a new policy in the distribution of 3 kilograms (Kg) LPG sales.

The scheme chosen, namely 3 Kg LPG users, must register on the MyPertamina website.

Regional Marketing Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Mars Ega Legowo, revealed that his party had conducted a trial of distributing 3 kilograms of LPG to 114,000 residents.

"We have conducted a secret trial with 114,000 people. It is already in stage 6. We will return to the government whether to use the MyPertamina register scheme or what kind of scheme do you want," said Ega to reporters, Thursday, June 30.

For this trial, Ega admitted that his party was still using the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

However, he admitted that he still had to make some adjustments so he still had to do data matching.

"I'm sorry, for example someone has just been born, died, moved house, so we must always update. And indeed the Ministry of Social Affairs always updates this data, we must take a stand if we use DTKS data, the data is dynamic. matching it with DTKS data," continued Ega.

He added that during the trial, his party had seen some insights from the TDKS data, such as the initial accuracy was only around 50 percent in stage one and stage two.

His party then corrected the data in the third stage by coordinating with the Ministry of Social Affairs so that the accuracy of the data was close to 80 percent.

"But we also see how come this can't be 100 percent. What is it like? It turns out that the ideal condition of our society is that subsidies are given to the poor but which are the poor?," he continued.

Based on the findings of the DTKS data, Ega said, the poorest people do not use LPG, so his party will coordinate with the government whether to continue using DTKS data, or using the same scheme as the restriction on subsidized fuel.

"Currently we are still testing and maybe it will be finished by the end of July," he concluded.