Tourism Bus Accidents Rise, Ministry Of Transportation Increases Supervision

JAKARTA - Accidents involving tourism buses are quite common lately.

Therefore, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Land Transportation will increase bus supervision, especially for tourism transportation.

Most recently, on Saturday, June 25, there was a traffic accident involving a tourist bus. Where the bus entered a 25-meter-deep ravine in the Rajapolah area, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java. This bus was carrying 60 groups of teachers and families of SDN Sayang Jatinangor.

"Along with the rise of traffic accidents, especially tourism buses, we at the Directorate General of Land Transportation will increase supervision for both AKAP and Tourism buses," said Director of Road Transport, Suharto, in Jakarta, Thursday, June 30.

Suharto stated that the Directorate General of Customs and Information together with the Regional Government will also oversee the operation of tourism transportation, including the presence of buses and bus crews at tourist attractions.

"We together with the Regional Government will make a number of efforts to prevent traffic accidents for bus transportation, one of which is a transportation safety campaign. The target of our safety campaign is for bus operators and drivers," Suharto said.

In addition, Suharto explained, the presence of the Online Transportation and Multimodal Licensing System (SPIONAM) is expected to make it easier for the public to check the validity of public transportation to be used whether it is registered or not.

Furthermore, he explained, in the SPIONAM it is stated when the validity period of the vehicle test is also the validity period of certain vehicle supervision cards.

"By using SPIONAM, the supervision of tourism transportation services is also indirectly carried out by the community and this is believed to be more effective because the community is also a user of tourism transportation," he said.

Suharto explained, specifically for tourism transportation services, it has now entered the stage of a safety emergency so that in the near future his party will make an MoU as a joint commitment from stakeholders such as the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of PUPR, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and the Korlantas Polri.

"This institution will work according to their respective tupoksi within the same time and object," he explained.